Bernese Mountain Dogs are strikingly big, snuggly and smart… and extra slobbery!
The eye-catching Bernese Mountain Dog, also known as the Berner, is a large, heavy-coated, working breed originating from the Swiss Alps where they were used to guard farmers’ flocks.
This powerful breed needs plenty of space and owners who understand that they have a lifespan of up to just eight years.
Some Berners can be reserved with strangers, but they’re affectionate and loyal to their families.
As youngsters, they’re goofy and active, but as they grow up, they become more laid-back.
If they’re well socialised (meaning they learn about people and animals in the right way), then Berners are good natured and gentle. However, they can be protective of their family and property.
Owners need to take socialisation and training seriously as Berners are big dogs who were bred to work. You know what they say… work a dog or it will go self-employed!
While these breed traits give a general idea of what to expect from a specific type of dog, it's important to remember that every dog is unique. just like people, each dog comes with their own distinct personality, quirks, and characteristics!
I need two good walks a day – at least 1.5 to 2 hours of outdoor fun. I’m a working breed, so I need to exercise my brain, too. I love to play with my toys and my family.
I was born to work, but not everyone has a farm! I like to please my humans and use my brain. Food-based activities at mealtimes and playing with toys will keep me happy.
Socialisation and habituation training (learning about the world in the right way) are top priorities.
I’m a big dog, so I need to be taught basic obedience exercises like loose lead walking, sit and stay.
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