Boxers are the class clown of the dog world with boundless energy!
Breeds like this may have extreme body conformation, which means exaggerated body features, or a flat face and shorter nose (brachycephalic). These characteristics can negatively affect their health and welfare in various ways, and you may face higher insurance and veterinary costs. See here for more information.
If you have your heart set on this breed, please consider rescuing a dog in need rather than buying a puppy.
Boxers are excitable, playful dogs with boundless energy. They’re known for their loveable, goofy personalities and friendly nature. Boxers absolutely love play wrestling with other dogs and people. They’re ideal for active families as they need lots of physical and mental exercise. “Calm” isn’t in their vocabulary!
These fun-loving dogs are best known for their high energy and playful nature – think of them as the class clown of the dog world! Boxers are also quite intelligent and super social with people, they enjoy being the centre of attention. This can often lead to them getting into mischief if they’re not given plenty of activities to keep them occupied, including training.
Boxers are great watchdogs as they will bark to alert you to any strange sights and sounds. One thing’s for sure, you’ll never miss a delivery again! Good thing is, they aren’t known for being excessive barkers. Instead, they’re more likely to befriend any unwanted guests than see them off! They’re happiest when they’re doing anything physically active, or getting involved in your activities and social life.
While these breed traits give a general idea of what to expect from a specific type of dog, it's important to remember that every dog is unique. just like people, each dog comes with their own distinct personality, quirks, and characteristics!
I’m a working dog, so I need you to give me a job or I’ll pick up bad habits. Having two hours of exercise like hiking or playing tug-of-war will keep me happy.
Despite my looks and clownish personality, I’m actually pretty clever. I’m a hunter, so seeking out food helps keep me busy and entertained. I also love learning new tricks and making you laugh!
I’m easily distracted by fun things like playing with my friends. I need extra patience in exciting situations like meeting new people, or scary things like staying home alone.
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