The Bulldog is a chunky canine companion who enjoys lazing around doing nothing.
Breeds like this have extreme conformation, including exaggerated body features or a flat face and shorter nose (brachycephalic). These characteristics can negatively affect their health and welfare in various ways, and you may face higher insurance and veterinary costs. For these reasons, we wouldn’t recommend buying this type of dog. See here for more information.
If you decide to go ahead, please consider rescuing a dog in need rather than buying a puppy.
The British Bulldog was originally bred for something called bull baiting, a gruesome sport that was banned many years ago. Today, Bulldogs aren't as athletic as their ancestors, but they’re still incredibly strong. It can be expensive owning a Bulldog as they’re prone to various health conditions and vet treatment is not cheap.
Bulldogs can be tricky to motivate, they’re notoriously stubborn and if they don’t want to go somewhere, they’ll put the brakes on and won’t budge until they’re good and ready. That’s not to say they don’t have little outbursts of energy though. Once they’ve matured, they love nothing more than snoozing on the sofa, snoring the day away.
Bulldogs are not overly playful, but they do seek a lot of attention from their owners. Be prepared for lots of slobber! One shake of their huge head after eating or drinking results in a big clean-up operation.
While these breed traits give a general idea of what to expect from a specific type of dog, it's important to remember that every dog is unique. just like people, each dog comes with their own distinct personality, quirks, and characteristics!
I’m not a fan of long walks or warm weather. Short, interesting walks followed by a kip on the sofa will make me happy.
Whilst my body may not be up for a good work out, my mind certainly is! I enjoy playing with my toys and munching my chews.
I’m not easily motivated to train so you better have the best treats you can find if you want me learn anything and I will do it in my own time.
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