Bullmastiffs are handsome, powerful guard dogs who need a very particular home.
Breeds like this may have extreme body conformation, which means exaggerated body features, or a flat face and shorter nose (brachycephalic). These characteristics can negatively affect their health and welfare in various ways, and you may face higher insurance and veterinary costs. See here for more information.
If you have your heart set on this breed, please consider rescuing a dog in need rather than buying a puppy.
The Bullmastiff is a very handsome, powerful guarding breed. They’re loyal to their owners and need constant training and management.
As guard dogs, they’ll try to “look after their owners”. So, most family homes aren’t for them, nor is a suburban life where their guarding instincts will be triggered all the time. A large house in the countryside with access to private land and one or two adult owners would be best!
Adolescence can be a tricky time for Bullmastiff owners. They’re strong willed and very physical in play which can be tricky to deal with.
Once they reach maturity, a Bullmastiff can need lots of exercise and ongoing training. It’s essential for them to understand that you’re in control of all situations. Show them you’re a good leader and you’ll help them show kindness and how to make the right choices in social settings.
While these breed traits give a general idea of what to expect from a specific type of dog, it's important to remember that every dog is unique. just like people, each dog comes with their own distinct personality, quirks, and characteristics!
I need a big secure garden to patrol and stretch my legs. I enjoy going for regular walks, but please don’t expect me to interact with strangers or other dogs.
I’m clever and need to use my brain a lot! Training, food activities, and games will help. If you don’t give me a job to do in life, I’ll go self-employed and cause havoc finding my own things to do.
I’m very alert, responsive, and ready to use my energy. I need to be able to express this during my training. I need you teach me to ignore things in my environment that I might find suspicious.
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