What our expert says
Lindsay Arliss
Dog behaviour and training specialist
Some dogs seem to have endless energy. Even after a walk they continue to race around, getting up to mischief!
Why dogs can struggle to settle
There can be many reasons why your dog is struggling to settle. Let's look at a few potential ones:
- You have a high-energy breed. Some breeds were bred for active jobs, like herding, pulling sleds and hunting. Many of these dogs need lots of physical and mental exercise each day.
- You have a canine Usain Bolt! Many owners get into the habit of taking a ball chucker to the park and trying to tire their dog out with endless fetch. Whilst this gives the dog a good cardio workout, it often creates an athlete who is much harder to wear out! They also come home from their walk energised and full of adrenaline – which makes it harder for them to settle.
- You’re stuck in a rut of routine walks. Mixing up activities on your dog’s walks is a great way to give them a physical and mental workout. For example, hiding a toy in the long grass for them to find instead of playing fetch. Or doggy parkour (controlled climbing on things like tree stumps) to give your dog something different to think about.
- Your dog needs to work their brain as well as their body. Working on their basic training on a walk or letting them take you on “sniffari” – where they lead and sniff wherever they choose – can work wonders.
- You go to the same place every day. Switching up your walking environment can really help. For example, try the town centre if you usually go to the park. New places mean new smells and experiences!
Get a vet check
If you’re sure you’re giving your dog all the fulfilment they need, and hyperactivity is new for them, take them to the vet. A thorough check can rule out any medical causes.
Check their diet
It’s also worth looking at your dog’s diet. Some dogs react to certain foods or ingredients and can become overactive. Have a look at What should I feed my dog? or go to allaboutdogfood.co.uk for more details.
Try some training
Some dogs (and their families!) will benefit from learning how to settle on cue. Yes, you can train your dog to have an ‘off’ switch!
You might also want to think about what you may have accidentally taught your dog in the past. If they get more attention for ‘misbehaviour’ than sitting quietly, guess what they’ll do more! This can be tricky to change, but you can retrain your dog so they can settle down more easily.
Follow this video guide for some tips on how to teach your dog to settle.